NO 161-87 to be in New Orleans and to see I have stated that they have, heard nothing but very favorable comments regarding REDDICK' in Atlanta. , . ; • Jr‘- , pointed out that he would e Grader RSiQ-‘ DICK as. entirely loyal during' the time he v/as at - Dillard. Uni- versity; however, that' he would have ; no way of knowing what r changes, had taken place in REDDICI^s thinking since leaving ■ . ; the institution* ‘ 7 : '* . . , *■ ;f_ • : " v : ; , • - -• . '• was re- contacted on Nehru ary a ; 'Iv'oZ , py b v a~ I "l and in- formed, that he recalled DRAKE as : an instructor at Dillard; ' University in ‘about; 1935 land again in 1941 . / He t, stated - he was .* 7 closely associated with DRAKE at this time on the. faculty , , of the University ,1 but has had np association with' him since - He stated during his association at Dillard University,- he >. regarded DRAICE highly, and found him to be Very brilliant, trustworthy, honest, and of good, moral character . , He .regarded -DRAKE as entirely loyal -to the; United States and has heard : 7 nothing which would reflect unfavorably on the loyalty of DRAiCE since he left Dillard University. He added that * DRAKE had - very 5 definite ideas and was ;striying for , a better : social \ world and was what . some may term as radical” in that he was . more direct in attempting to achieve his goal. | (pointed, out that he had found that negotiation and conference .worked better in. the long run, but, DRAiCE would be inclined to; be - less patient and more direct by making demands, possibly pub- licity forcing an issue or even. demonstrations, - but added, . . 7' he did not feel th at DRAICE would ever ; condone violence of any . .. kind, j IpoihBd out : that .DRAKE Was very young - at 7. . . . that time ana naa probably changed in his . thinking and pos- sibly would .become more practical' with experience " and maturity,. - « ' *-* - , ' - * ' ' * - -‘"a ’ - ‘ • *! *. - t ./* | | stated, that he did not know any of the. ; . j , associated .of . DRAICE while in New Orleans except, the members 77‘ of the faculty and he had never- ' known DRAKE to associate with persons of questioned loyalty .' 7 . ! .7 . •/; ... NO 161-87 | [stated that he had not been associated , with LAURENCE D* REDDICK since he left Dillard; and conse- quently could give no further inf orraation regarding. him. He stated that he recalled BRAES and REDDICK -were rattier closely associated when they were on the faculty together ' at Dillard, but hot more v sb than other inemebers of the f ac- ulty . He stated that although they were similar in' some te- 'spects and would be regarded as "social crusader s . " REDD ICK was more , immature and unstable; at that time , and . would regard DRAKE a much more, reliable person. -.He stated that DRAKE was a very definite thinker and he did hot feel that he would be influenced by his association with REDDICK . . related ttef he, knew o-f no affiliation of REDDICK which would reflect, unfavorably on his loyalty to the United States. ■: s ' ■: ■ • ~ - “ 1 I Dillard Univer- , sity, advised on February 5, 1062, that she was not associ- ated with Dillard University at the time DRAKE was teaching there and is not sure that she recalls him. She stated she / 1 did not know him well and would- be. unable to give any inf or- , mation regarding him. . . .. . ' - . - ’ . "The’ Southern Patriot , ” issue of March-1950,- Volume 8 , Number 3 ; Page 1, announced that the Southern Conference’ Educational Fund; Incv> (SCEF) , at New Orleans, Louisiana, was • v serving as coordinator for a South^wide Conference on Discrim- ination in Higher Education which would be held in Atlanta University, Atlanta, Georgia, on April 8, 1950, It was to \ be held under the sponsorship of a group of 200 professors ; and administrators from more than 100 colleges and universi- ties ill sixteen Southern sttites . .and the District of Columbia^ ^ A characterization of the Southern.: Conferehce Edu- • ; cational Fund, Inc, (SCEF ) \ appears in the Appendix Section- of this report. ; t - . . * ;; . \ ^ "The Southern Patriot,^ issue of Apr ii-1 950; Volume 3, Number 4-, Page 1, lists Dr. L. D. REDDICK, Library Dir ec- ' tor, Atlanta University, as. Chairman of the Atlanta Committee NO 161-37 V.. , - • ..<■ - on Arrangements and a member of the Resolutions Committee - for the "First South-Wide Conference on Discrimination in Higher Education," REDDICK gave an address to the conference on library services , stressing the importance of a library. - •: to graduate education and compared the libraries in Negro colleges with those in, white' colleges , showing \ great inequi- ties, according to this issue ; of "The Southern Patriot : , "The Southern Patriot , n issue of June" 1950 Volume 3,' Number 6, Page 2/ carried an article by Dr* b. D. REDDICK which was condensed from his. speech- on library service deli- vered at the Atlanta Conference*. In his article. Dr* REDDICK stated: ■ V' .. • .* 1 . • ; . ... v ' v '■ "Really, the solution, to this problem ’ is fairly simple-- at least fairly simple to state/ First r remove the barriers that prevent all scholars i * from having full and free access to, existing library ' resources and services f secondly , provide the funds for building up the library: facilities and personnel . ' of those institutions that Negrpes . and the , other re- ’* . stricted minorities are now attending * ,, '.*■ ‘ " Some small gains hate been made along both these lines Quietly and almost with a fear that >; 7 too much publicity will result in retreat, a few of ' the so-called white universities of the South now - permit 7 individual Negro scholars, to use their ebooks , - documents, manuscripts and reading rooms as freely . /as anybody else does. But by and large Negro stu- dents and teachers in the South are restricted to the - .* ; • libraries of what has been termed r their own dnstitu- r > tions." • . ! •' •/ ;• ‘ . 1 "It is unlikely , that Negro scholars ; in the South will, ever get first class university libraries 'until the barriers of segregation and discrimination • are lorn down." : : .,'•• • . / / / . NO. 161-87 Beneath this article by Dr,- REDDICK on Page three of ; the same issue , "The Southern Patriot’* in an editorial., pointed out that four southern cities had recently abandoned segre- gation in regard to library service* The editorial stated:; ‘ v *H7e suggest to the readers of the Southern. Patriot that, they; initiate a small Committee on Discrimination in Library Ser- ' vice to 'suggest to .the local .library board tint’ segregation V ’ V be abandoned and that the services of the public libraries ‘ be made available to everyone without discrimination. The editorial further suggests that if no action is taken within- reasonable time that relief could be obtained through the courts. The . editorial felt that it would be better if this democratic move y/outd he tiade without court apt ion* It eon— v eluded by stating that the removal of barriers to . libraries . ; would be *one modest step fory/ard' toward our goal of. a really ' free and democratic, southland. * ; 4 , ' Confidential inform ants acquainted with some phases . of ^Communist. Party (CP) activities in- the New Orleans, area : : . advised in May of 1956 that REDDICK was unknown to them . • c ' Confidential informants acduaihted with some phases ;• of CP activity in, “the 0 Net/ Orleans area advised on February 5 ; , - 1962, that REDDICK and DRAKE y/ere unknown to them. V s .*;• ■' APPENDIX Organizations and/or Publications The following organizations and/or publications which have been utilized in this report and which have not been designated by the Attorney General of the United States pursuant to Executive Order 10450 are characterized in the attached Appendix pages . V. APPENDIX L 8 APPENDIX SOUTHERN CONFERENCE EDUCATIONAL FUND, INC, "The Southern; Patriot monthly publications, shows that it is published by the Southern Conference Educational Fund, Inc. (SCEF) . "The Southern Patriot" was cited as an "organ" of the Southern Conference for Human Welfare (SCHW) by the^ C omm ittee on Un-American Activities, House Report 592, on the ~8CHY/ , June 12, 1947. ' The SCHW was cited as a communist front by the Committee on Un-American Activities, House Report 592, June 16, 1947. An amendment to the charter of the SCHW changed the name of that organization to the SCEF , and listed its purpose as being to improve the educational and cultural standards of the Southern people in accordance with the highest American democratic institutions, traditions, and ideals. The -amendment was dated April 26, 1946. A source, who is familiar with some phases of Communist Party (CP) activity in the New Orleans* area, advised on May 15, \, 1961,' that during the time the SCHW. was in existence, CP members were' members 'of "and worked actively in the SCHW. ■ However , since the formation of the -SCEF, rank and file CP members hsu?# not been encouraged to work ip the SCEF. The source stated that the SCEF is a progressive, liberal organization, which he considers a CP froht organization because it has gone along with the CP ,, oh certain issues, particularly on the racial question, * and through the yearn? certain CP members in the New Orleans area have been assigned to work in the organization to further CP principles. On May 15 , 1961 , the source advised that in the past he has considered JAMES DOMBROWSKI , the Executive Director, of the. SCEF, to be a communist, if not an* actual CP member, because, he followed communis-jb principles. The source also advised on' May 15, 1961,. that many, * people who are off icials* ; and members, of the SCEF, while liberal in their views, are by no means communists*. • * • , , Another source, advised on March 2, 1961, that CLAUDE LIGHTFOOT, a CP functionary, stated at & meeting of the CP in Baltimore, Maryland, on February -25, 1961, that the CP iff- not con- nected with any progressive movement , ^ut indirectly they do have some influence in the SCEF. P P E N D I X 4 ** ; Ft?- 3 2 3' (3-^2 8-60) S8St\ -»W |Hml *jg| l£8f lit Reply , Please Refer to File No. NO 161-87 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION New Orleans, Louisiana February 6, 1962 Title JOHN GIBBS ST. CLAIR DRAKE AKA Character Reference PEACE CORPS - APPLICANT Report of SA dated February 6, 1962, N ew Orleans. All sources (except any listed "below) used in referenced communication have furnished reliable information in the past. ALL IHFOPHATI ON CONTAINED HE PE IM IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 06-05-2003 BY 60322 UC LP/PLJ./LCU ^ go c/t a-- This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. FD-263 (Rev. 5-1-59) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION REPORTING OFFICE, SAN DIEGO TITLE OF CASE , office; of origin BUREAU REPORT MADE BY 'JOHN GIBBS ST. GLAIR DRAKE alca, St, Clair Drake , CHARACTER OF CASE PEACE CORPS -■ APPLICANT REFERENCE: Detroit airtel to San Diego 2/1/62 Chicago airtel to Detroit 1/27/62. At'L information contained HEREIN 1 IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 06-05-2008 BY 60322 -UC LP/PLJ./LCN COVER PAGE REQ. REC'D. % t : "• : JULi 01965 SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE COPIES MADE: 5 - Bureau (AM) 1 - San Diego (161-95 ) DISSEMINATION RECORD OF ATTACl^p REPORT DO NOT WRITE IN SPACES BELOW U.S. GOVERNMENT PAINTING OFFI.CE 10 ?0324rl FD-204: (Kev. 3-3-59) « ft UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Copy to: ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 06-05-2008 BY 60322 UC LP/PLJ/LCU Report of: Date: Field Office File No. Title: Office: SAN DIEGO February b,, ±9bb San Diego 161-95 Bureau File No.: JOHN GIBBS ST, CLAIR DRAKE b6 b7C Character: PEACE CORPS - APPLICANT Synopsis: Michigan State University, who has known applicant i ’ OF an6 ut 29 -years, comments favorably and recommends. • . - RUC - b6 b7C b7D DETAILS: On February 6, 1962, , ~ : Michigan State University^. East Lansing, Michigan, vias j ab I^ he Haciencla del Sol Motel, Borrego Springs, California. stated that he has Ijnown the applicant b nnn nnT irflQffl a riding that □ the University 01 urmTHgu" 1 taidl/ C U — L/ ' iiau — rro — uuimiuu £ 'b6 b7C b7D the applicant, to be a very able, intelligent, ^ capa ble perso n of high moral character and excellent reputation. | I stated that he has never had any reason to' doubt the loyalty of the applicant and added that without hesitation he would recommend the applicant for a position of trust and responsibility , , advised that he could not now recall the ^ exact positions held by the applicant over the years,, however, b he recalled that in about 19*41* the applicant performed research work on a book to be published for .the University of Chicago Press, as well. as doing research work for several foundations in order to supplement his income. This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. ▼ ,1 J-*'' PLAIN TEXT 2 / 6/62 TELETYPE URGENT TO SACS WASHINGTON FIELD (BSM)t - NEW ORLEANS t— PHOENIX LOS ANGELES ah ihfophatioii contained . INDIANAPOLIS!—— hekein is unclassified SAN DIEGO 4— «* ■ CATE 06-05-2008 BY 60322 UC LP/PLJ/LCIT ATLANTA BALTIMORE FROM DIRECTOR' FBI _ O JOHN GIBBS ST. CLAIR DRAKE, AKA, PC-A. REBUAIRTEL JANUARY FOUR LAST. DISCONTINUE INVESTIGATION. SUREP INVESTIGATION TO DATE. NOTE: j-eace uorps, aavisea on -2/6/62 that the investigation should be discontinued * y A „. ^ ^ ^ /t - ^ L- •. »» 7 - v w V CT •-* ' - * I -///>/’ a . * bJjrMsM NOT f.- CORDED ‘ * t i ^ <;>> , oTrs:SA/7 - 5 - MAIL ROOM I 1 m3*.- -V-* <*;* ■ 4 FE DERAl BUKIW1 OF INVESTIGATION U S department OF JUSTICE COMMUNICATIONS SECTION FEB 619t£ teletype ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEPEIN 13 UNCLASSIFIED DATE 06-05-2008 BY 60322 UC LP/PLJ/LCW URGENT 2-6-62 7-46PM US TO SACS WASHINGTON FIELD .^NEW ORLEANS , ^HOENIX, 1 tfs ANGELES, HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED JOHN GIBBS ST. CLAIR DRAKE, aka date 06-05-2008 by 60322 uc lp/plj/lcw PC - A Re Bureau teletype, 2/6/62, instructing that this case be discontinued. No investigation conducted this office. Characterization of LAWRENCE D. REDDICK furnished to Chicago by airtel 2/6/62. No report being submitted and this case is considered closed. TO: DIRECTOR* FBI FROM: SAC* LOS ANGELES ( 161-425 ) (RUC) RE: JOHN GIBBS ST* CLAIR^RAKE* aka PEACE CORPS - APPLICANT Re Chicago airtel to Los Angeles dated 1/27/62* and Bureau teletype to Washington Field et al dated 2 / 6 / 62 . limited to Inasmuch as she has' not been obhuactea* no "repo vz ' ceirig submitted by Los Angeles. Inve s tigfttiQn at T.qs Angeles wag attempts to locate ALL IMFOPIIATIOI-J C UHTAIIJED HEPEIU IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 06-05-2008 BY 60322 UC LP/PLJ/LCW ^)- Bureau -i - Los Angeles (161-425) BPM: s jm r 2/8/62 AIRTEL ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 06-05-2008 BY 60322 UC LP/PLJ/LCW TO; SROS: SAC, BALTIMORE <161-703) SAC, CHICAGO (161-521) (EEC) JOHN GIBBS ST. CLAIk DRAKE, aka PEACE CORPS - APPLICANT Buded 2/5/62 . Re Baltimore airtel to Chicago 2/6/62 (no ce to Bureau or New Orleans) which made reference to Atlanta teletype to Director and Baltimore, 2/5/62 (no cc to Chicago), Chicago teletf m° +« wnmitw a nd New Orleans 1/31/62, and report of SA] | dated 2/2/62, at Chicago. It is to be noted that referenced Chicago teletype requested Hew Orleans to characterize DRAKE. In the event Baltimore has furnished the information in referenced airtel as an indirect result of that request, Baltimore will submit the information in report form. GALE b6 b7C Baltimore Bureau <161~1GS1) ifew Orleans (IMFO) Chicago A > J O- - HRE.-kzh (5) / ^/ ... (■ i *‘ r ' 4 FEB 12 196 ^ iter ) / OPTIONAL fORM fio: TO”' - - united states govej^JRm Memorandum .to : Mr. Evans from : W. V. Clevelan subject: ALL IHFOEHATION fOHTAINED HE PE IN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 06-05-2008 BY 60322 UC LP/P T date: February 9, 1962 O JOHN GIBBS ST. CLAIR DRAKE PEACE CORPS - APPLICANT — T / thru Civil Service Commission [ PURPOSE. . .Request for investigation received/ 1/4/62. On 1/26/62, Drake addressed letter to our Chicago Office (copy attached) com- plaining regarding the investigation and accusing the FBI of using deception in acquiring information regarding him. Upon receipt of letter at Bureau, the Peace Corps was contacted and they admitted Drake was not a bonafide applicant but they had "hoped” to use kin services. They requested investigation be discontinued. Drake has been contacted by Chicago Office and apprised of reasons for investi— « gat ion. He stated he did not realize he wAs being considered tinder the Peace Corps Program* BACKGROUND... Our investigation to date reveals Drake has been employed as an educator for a number of years, and since 1946, as professor of sociology, Roosevelt University, Chicago, Illinois. Drake, a Negro, is co-author of the book, "Black Metropolis,” a study of Chicago’s Negro community. - His wife, a white woman, teaches at the University of Chicago. Drake* s name has appeared as a sponsor of Communist P"£rty (CP) front groups; he has spoken before CP front groups; his name has appeared in connection with CP front activities; and he has associated with. CP members and- sympathizers ♦ His wife f s name has. .appeared as a sponsor of CP front groups, and before her p hnarriage, 7 she was ^member of a CP front group. She has been described as a "psychoneurotic . " In a speech given in Gary, Indiana, in May, 1961, jirake stated he was chosen to work on the organization of the Peace Corps (PC), but in his. opinion, the PC would not accomplish i k goals . CURRENT DEVELOPMENT . . .Our Chicago Office forwarded a copy of Drakes 1 g to f.hg Rn roaii and upon receipt at the Bureau, . f orthe Peace Corps, was contacted and advised of '.the unjustified criticism directed at the Bureau contained in Drake’s letter* He checked on the matter and subsequently advised it was Jtrue that Drake had no knowledge he was being considered for employ- ment and that the investigation had been requested with the "hope” \that they able to ittflize Drake’s services in the future^* Jj bo b7C b7D Mr. Mr. DeLoach Sullivan V' GRS: CHS: WVC: dlb/sp (8) 7 T NOT RuCORD! 13 FEB 2Z b6 »b7C QfV ‘A e/s r A Memorandum to Mr. Evans Re: JOHN GIBBS ST. CLAIR DRAKE They also hoped to use Rnnsfivelt University j where Drake is a professor, as a training site. admitted Peace Corps [ responsibility and stated that any criticism in connection with this matter should have been directed at the Peace Corps rather than the FBI. He requested that our investigation of Drake be dis- continued. The Chicago Office was instructed to contact Drake and f straighten him out and when they did so Drake stated he did not II realize he was being considered under the PC Program. He said he 1 1* now understood the need for such investigations and held no ill will if toward the FBI. b6 b7C OBSERVATIONS. . .Since the passage of the PC Act, 28 cases have been received and all of them except the Drake case have been accompanied by a formal application. Ohly a brief biographical outline concerning Drake was furnished. Since the criticism of the Bureau -was caused directly by Drake’s lack of knowledge that the PC was considering him for employment, it is felt we should tell the PC that in the future, if a request for investigation is made without a formal I application, some certification be placed on the request that the applicant knows he is being considered for employment. In the absence of such certification, we will contact the General Counsel’s Office at the PC to verify this prior to opening our case. ACTION 1. Liaison will advise the General Counsel’s Office at the PC that in the future when they request an investigation and no application is available, certification should be placed on the material forwarded indicating the applicant knows he is being considered COPY ALL IUFORHATIOH CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 06-05-2000 BY 60322 UC LP/PLJ/LCW "Regional Director Federal Bureau of Investigation 536 South Clark Street Chicago, Illinois "Dear Sir: "It has come to my attention that, within the last few weeks, certain persons representing themselves as agents of your bureau have visited a number of my colleagues, friends and acquaintances making inquiries about my associations, charac- ter, publications, and varied activities. These alleged investigators have said that the inquiries are being made f in connection with Federal employment. * I use the term 'alleged*, since I have never applied for Federal employment, it is conceivable to me that the FBI would use deception in acquiring information. "If, however, these are bona fide investigators, I think I have the right to be informed as to who has told the FBI that I am seeking Federal employment, and as to why I am being 'investigated*. A lot of money is being spent, a lot of time being used, and many people being bothered to find out facts that are a matter of public record and sworn statement. It seems a bit silly to me, as well as a downright waste of the taxpayers money given the fact that I am not seeking Federal employment. "And, frankly, I resent it. So I would appreciate some claridication of this inexplicable episode in my long, open-and-above-board career as an academic, a concerned citizen, and, I think, a loyal American. "Sincerely yours, (signed) St. Clair Drake St. Clair Drake Professor of Sociology" ENCLOSURE A % SAC, Chicago (161-521) Director, FBI (161-1631) JOHN GIBBS ST. CLAIR DRAKE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS PERSON NOT TO BE CONTACTED 2-16-62 ALL DIFOPHATION C ONTAIHED HERE IH IS- UNCLASSIFIED DATE 06-05-2008 BY 60322 -UC LP/PLJ/LCU Reference is made to the critical letter which John Gibbs a St. Clair Drake wrote to your office last month protesting the invest!- ~n i gatloa of him as a Peace Corps applicant As your file in this investi-Qp g gation clearly reflects, this Individual and his wife have backgrounds ~ of affiliation with subversive organisations. *~" 1 ” ° hi the future, Drake should not be contacted on any x occasion unless prior Bureau approval has been obtained. It is noted that he teaches sociology at Roosevelt university in Chicago and that he resides at 5618 South Maryland Avenue, Chicago. NOTE:- See memorandum from W. V. Cleveland to Mr. Evans dated February 9, 1962, recommending that Drake be placed on the "Not To Contact" list. [ Tolson Belmont . Mohr ! Callaharf * Conrad DeLoach Evans Malone Rosen Sullivan \ Tayel j Trotter . 1 Tele.- Room t Ingram | Gandy GWG:tnri TFt81S1962 nniuiM-FBl K£CSIAE0»ijfesft.l.ib MAIL ROOM TELETYPE UNIT (iff 3 /’ If)® <%u ■# 0-14 (Rev. 4-28-59) * . Federal Bureau of Investigation February 16, 1962 Honorable B. Sargent Shriver, Jr. Director of tbe Peace Corps 306 Connecticut Avenue, N. W. Washington 25, D. C. Attention: BE: JOHN GIBBS ST. CLAIB DBASE Dear Sir: P0 — A , For your information, I am en- closing communications which may be of Enclosures (Upon removal of classified enclosures , if any, this transmittal form becomes UNCLASSIFIED '.) (2 cc’s each of 17 reports and 5 memoranda) Investigation discontinued in accordance with your request. Attached reports contain results of investigation to date. One copy each of 17 reports and 5’ memoranda have been furnished .directly to the Civil Service Commission. I 0-14 (Rev. 4-28-59) Federal Bureau of Investigation February 16, 1962 Director, Bureau of Personnel Investigations U. S. Civil Service Commission Washington 25, D. C. BE: JOHK GIBBS ST. CtAXB DBASE PC - A Dear Sir: For your information, I am en- closing communications which may be of interest to you. Very truly yours, John lb gar Hoover Director Enclosures (Upon removal of classified enclosures, if any, this transmittal form becomes UNCLASSIFIED ,) (1 cc each of 17 reports and 5 memoranda) In accordance with instructions received from the Peace Corps, investigation discontinued* Attached reports contain re- sults of investigation conducted to date. Two copies each of 17 Reports and Routing Slip FD-4 (Rev. 12-4-57) Date ...Zrrr.?.rr£2. ~ -’T FILE $ I..,. PX File 161-105 I I SAC Title I I ASAC I . JOHN BIBBS ST (jLAIR DRAKE 1 ISupv iWj”PO-A I I Agent I I SE - | 1 rr ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED . , HERE! N-i-S yNSLASS-lF-IEN 1 l Steno by SPu I I Clerk ... ACTION DESIRED I l Acknowledge 1 I Prepore lead cards I Assign Reassign I l iPrepare tickler | | Bring file I I Recharge serials I I Call me I i Rotnm assignment card I Correct I I Return file I Ipeadl ine L I — "J | Return serials I 1 Dead line passed 1 I search and return 1 I Delinquent 1 1 See me 1 [ Discontinue I JSend Serials I 1 Expedite to | ■ -j ^ e I { Submit new charge-out | Initial & return P 1 Submit report by | {Leads need attention CZUType I l Open Case I I Return with explanation or notation as to action taken. REBUTEL 2-6-62. Reference is made to PX airfce tel 2-1-62. Only investigation Px Div » was to contac t I land I The&e sources | b7D * ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 06-04-2008 BY .60322 UC LP/FLJ./LCU ' February 16, 1962 ■ NAME John Gibbs St„ Clair Drake PROFESSION Professor of Sociology Roosevelt University Chicago, Illinois ' ADDRESS 5618 South Maryland Avenue Chicago, Illinois Tolson Belmont Mohr . Callahan Conrad DcLoach Evan3 Malono Rosen Sullivan Tavol Trotter Tele. Room , Ingram Gandy MAIL ROOM 1 1 TELETYPE UNIT 1 -1 * ■ . ■ /*- - % 'DISCLOSURE . 1/4/62 ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED ■ HERE IN IS' UNO LAS S I FIED DATE 06-04-2008 BY 60322. UC LP/PLJ/LCW SACs, Washington Field (161-1367) Norfolk 1)61*60) Chicago (161*521) New York , (16l«703) Boston (161*1681),, New Orleans (161*87) Philadelphia _(161-*4£2) Richmond (161*175) From: Director, FBI (161*1681) JOHN BIBBS ST * CLAIR oBAKE * aka PC-A Budedi 2/5/62 CSC has now requested that investigation in this matter be completed* Review urfiles and conduct indicated O investigation* r rf 4 **f*rl - (18) MAitiaa JAN 4 - 1962 * COMM-FBl MAIL ROOM VF r / Y \ fll TELETYPE UNIT I 1 $ /- / /Jin &j not'r-corded is FEB 27 1962 OPTIONAL FORM NO. JO 5010 — 104—01 UNITED STATES GOVERNMEI' Memorandum UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT % 124093 Director, FBI (l6l-l68l) date: 1 / 10/62 ft , - - . , . ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED from : ^'j'oAG} Norfolk (l6l-6o) (RUC) herein is unclassified ' DATE 06-04-2008 BY 60322 UC LP/PLJ/LCW (3 subject: JOHN GIBBS ST. GLAIR DRAKE,, aka PC - A Re report of SA dated 11/2/61, and Bureau a ±rte. at Norfolk All investigation in this case has been completed in the Norfolk Division and the results were set forth in referenced report. i\ 16 Wr Mj- Bureau 1 - Norfolk RKH:mkk /&/- /L V-i not napor.sED 17 JAM 12 i&2 ■JLA 17 $ ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 06-04-2008 BY 60322 UC LP/PLJ/LCU # 1 / 1 6/02 ajrti& to ; sac, hot yobk (lai-yos) RICH i SAC, CHICAGO (161-021) . O SUBJECT* JOHN GIBBS ST, CBAIR DRAKE, afcft* PC - A ■ Be Bureau Tetter to WFO 1/4/62 and Hew Orleans airtel to Bureau 10/24/61* Referenced Hew Orleans airtel reflects BRAKE employed By Carnegie Corporation, State of Illinois, as Research Associate in Chicago in 19 4Q, The only similar listing la current Chicago telephone directory is Carnegie Construction and Development Corporation which advises that they have not employed people as research associates and have no record of PEAKE* It is noted that referenced Hew Orleans air tel sots forth lead for Hew York to interview! | b6 b7C b7D Hew York will from Corporation, state of Illino Is, Corporation, Hew York City and i located. Also attempt, through [ determine if Carnegie was connected with Carnegie sherd their records are recollection to 1 so verify PEAKE’S employment at Carnegie Corpornt ion * b6 b7C .s'* ^ It is noted that referenced airtel reflects education Columbia University, Hew York City, 1936. Records of Roosevelt University, Chicago, reflect education summer* 1935, Columbia University, Hew York City, Game records reflect BRAKE employed 1037-1940, Director of Research of Negro Community in Chicago on projects financed by Works Progress Administration (or $hrk projects Administration) * 2 - Hew York 2 r WFO (161-1367) £U~ Bureau (161-1631) I— Chicago-* b ^ HREjUC <6) NOT n recorded 9 JAN 18.1962 A 9 m 1 CG 16 1-521 WFQ vill attempt to verify this employment . Chicago is also attempting to verify through Institute for Juvenile Research, Chicago, and University of Chicago, sponsors of the projects. P GALE 2 FD-263 (Rev, 5-1-59) • § . • FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION REPORTING OFFICE BOSTON. TITLE OF CASE OFFICE OF ORIGIN BUREAU INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD JOHN GIBBS ST. GLAIR DRAKE, aka PEACE CORPS - APPLICANT ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 06-04-2008 BY 60322 UC LF REFERENCE : Byj report of SA P ADMINISTRATIVE JFO dated January Ij., 1962; Boston, November 3, 19 61.' iUG - Prior investigation has been conducted concerning appointee. See case entitled ”JOHN GIBBS S T. CT.ATR DRAKE. aka, PEACE CORPS - APPLICANT," .report of SA at Boston, Massachusetts, dated November 3, ±76X7 A review was mad e of Boston file case entitled | | IS - R," Inasmuch as the informa- . tion contained uaerein was deemed to contain no significant security information, it is not being included, in this report. CC TO: Mi * 7 *a ■ • * rfo. REC’D..../ «5 TO| • • • REQ. REC'D^.rTrr: . • • ■ REQ. REC’D ,, /r. ? JULi 34965 V/ ANS. 7 ' i d - A-» - COVER PAGE DO NOT WRITE IN SPACES BELOW U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OrPICE 10-70321-1 FD-204 (Roy.. 3-3-59) P ' * UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Copy to: Report of: Date: Field Office File No.: l6l— 66l JOHN GIBBS ST. CLAIR DRAKE Character: PEACE CORPS - APPLICANT Synopsis: ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 06-04-2008 BY 60322 UC LP/PLJ/LCIJ Office: Boston, Massachusetts Bureau File No.: l6l — 168l Arrest records, Cambridge, Mass., negative. DETAILS: - RUC - ARREST On January 16, 1962, Clerk, Record Bureau, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Police Department, advised these records contain no information concerning JOHN GIBBS ST. CLAIR DRAKE. - 1 * - Mi This document contains neither recommendations nor. conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to he distributed outside your agency. ALL DIFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 06-04-2008 BY 60322 UC LP/PLJ/LCW AIRTSL « 1/19/63 TO; SAC, ST. LOUIS FROM: SAC, WSO (161-1367) o JOHN GIBBS ST. CLAIR BRAKE, aka St. Clair Drake PEACE CORPS - APPLICANT BUDED 2/5/62. ReBuairiel 1/4/62, and Chicago airtel 1/16/62. Applicant horn 1/2/11, Suffolk, Va. Has been eaaployed as professor of Sociology, Roosevelt College, Chicago, since 1946 « Referenced Chicago airtel shows CRAKE was employed 1937 - 1940 as Director of Research of Negro community in Chicago on projects financed by Works Progress Administration (or Work Projects Administration) * WED checking investigative files of WPA. Chicago is also attempting to verify this info through Institute for Juvenile Research, Chicago. £ f St* Louis attempt to verify WBA employment. 2 - St. Louis 1 a Bureau 1 - WEO JEGrdjs * ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HBffillrts UNCLASSIFIED DATE 06-10-2008 BY 60322 UC LP/PLJ/LCN 1/23/62 airtel air mail registered hail TO: SAC, INDIANAPOLIS FROM: SAC, CHICAGO (161-521) (p) SUBJECT: JOHN GIBBS ST. CLAIrShWEE, aka St. Clair Drake PEACE CORPS - APPLICANT Buded 2/5/62 Re Bureau air tel to WEO 1/4/62. This case was referred to the EBX by the Civil Service Commission under the provisions of the Peace Corps Act, DRAKE has been affiliated with various Communist Party (CP) Ifroat Groups, and has been in contact with the Social Workers Party, Young Socialist League (YSL) and Independent Socialist League (ISL) . He was born 1/2/11 at Suffolk, Virginia, and is a professor of sociology and Anthropology at Roosevelt University, Chicago, He was co-author of "Black Metropolis" and has served on the faculty of Universities of Liberia and Ghana. , Indianapolis see your memo of S A I dated 5 /22/61 regarding Anselm Women, Gary, Indian a (XP~ 1 showing results Of contact with ! | Indianapolis will report this information and include re-contact with this informant to ascertain if he possesses additional infor- mation and if he will furnish a signed statement and appear before a hearing board. be blC b7D - Indianapolis 1> Bureau (161-1681) 2 - Phoenix 2 - WFO (161-1367) 1 - Chicago (161-521) HRE: JHF ;>r (8) * ’ ‘ t'.. ! .0 NOT RECORDED 10 JAN 25 1962 \ 7 * v “ ” I be b7C CG 161-521 For attention Phoenix, former I ladvised SA d Inn fi/TVsi, that the main activities of the Socialist Youth League (SYL) unit in Chicago were centered on the University of Chicago campus where many public meetings were being held. Among Phoenix ref er to Phoenix letter to Chicago dated 7/31/59, phoenix file| \ regarding address of former i n Phoenix* former 1 i I Phoenix the above information and include re-contact with informants to ascertain if they possess additional information and if they will furnish a signed statement and appear before a hearing board. Chicago files reflect Informants should be characterized as having furnished reliable information in the past. They have expressed willingness to testify in open court or before administrative hearing boards* However, they have indicated they desire that their identities should not be divulged until such time as their testimony is required. There are no known factors which would indicate the inadvisability of having either of the former informants testify. for attention TOO, reference is made to WFO letter to Chicago dated 2/20/59 regarding DRAKE, (WFO 100-35657) and related photostat of a letter to the Passport Office dated 1/1/54 and two sworn statements on 1/18/53 dealing with DRAKE’S feelings toward the CP and denial of ever having been a CP member. WFO will report the pertinent information obtained from Passport Office and include the photostats with their report. - 2 - J CG 161—521 DRAKE’S letter to the Passport Office reflects in paragraph one that during the first semester of the 1953-54 academic year, he fas serving as a visiting lecturer in Anthropology at Boston University and participated in no. +A vit.iftg of a. Seminar on Co ntemporary Africa, conducted fry I of the African Studie s Progr am. I j or Roosevelt University named [ with whom DRAKE had worked at Boston University, as person applicant closely acquainted with. said that interview! GALE FD-36 (Rev. 12-13-56) CG 161-521 It is suggested that the Bureau furnish copies of reports in these thee investigations to Civil Service Commission (CSC) . Chicago will utilize pertinent information regarding ST. CLAIR DRAKE, and his wife as contained in these investigations in current report, but will not report the information regarding his wife's relatives as it is assumed these reports will be furnished to CSC. For attention St. Louis and Bureau, Bureau airtel to Boston dated 10/10/61 makes reference to report of SA dated 10/18/60 at Chicago, entitled SM-C, which contains information that one JOHN ST. CLAIR who was contacted bv Ag ents of the St. Louis Office on 1/23/53 regarding | 1 stated that he, JOHN ST. CLAIR, was a Communist Party member in St. Louis in 1948 or 1949. It is believed this individual is not identical with the applicant as applicant is not known to have used this combination of names, nor to have lived in St. Louis. Applicant born i/2/11, Suffolk, Virginia, Negro, Professor of Anthropology and Sociology at Roosevelt University, Chicago/ since 1946, except that he has served with Universities in Africa and has done research abroad while on leave of , absence. St. Louis advise if identical. GALE - 2 - b6 b7C ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 06-05-2008 BY 60322 UC LF/PLJ/LCW 1/25/62 AIR1E1 TOs SAC* CHICAGO (161-521) FROM* SAC* WO (161-136?) (?) O JOHN GIBBS ST. CLAIR BRAKE* aka St. Clair Brake Peace Corps *► Applicant Buded 2/5/62 Re CO sirtel to Indianapolis dated 1/23/62* last paragraph* page 2* of referenced airtel request WO to report pertinent information obtained from Passport Office and for WO to include Photostats with current Peace Corps report. Reference is made to WO letter to Chicago dated 2/20/59* captioned "JQHfT GIBBS SX. ClAIR BRAKE* JR** SM - C*” This letter forwarded to Chicago Photostats of a letter and two sworn statements which appeared in passport files* WO does not have copies of this material and Chicago is requested to furnish this information to the Bureau* WO by report dated 10/31/61* reported passport information concerning applicant. 5L- Chicago {1J- Bureau (I6x~l68l) 1 - WO JFGswcj <4) AIRIES, M /- ijsM NOT ^ECOKDED s JAM 26 1962 / 7 4 ,r ALL INFORMATION CONTAIHED HEFT IN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 06-10-2008 BY 60322 UC LP/FLJ/LCN 1/27/62 AIRTEL TO : SAC, LOS ANGELES FROM 5 SAC, CHICAGO (161-521) .JOHN GIBBS ST* GLAIR CJDRAKE, aka. St* Clair Drake PEACE CORPS - APPLICANT (Buded: 2/5/62) Rebuairtel to Chicago dated 1/4/62* This case was referred to the FBI by the Civil Service Commission under the provisions of the Peace Corps Act* DRAKE has been affiliated with various Communist Party (CP) front groups and has been in contact with the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) , Young Socialist League and Independent Socialist League* He was born 1/2/11 at Suffolk, Virginia, and is a professor of sociology and anthropology, Roosevelt University, Chicago, was co-author of "Black Metropolis" and has served on the staff of the University of Liberia and University of Ghana* 2 - Los Angeles (AMRH) '!*> Bureau (AMRH) 1 - Chicago HREicmb (4) n no*f recorded" 26 JAN, 30 1962 FD-205 (Rev. 4-8-6*b) UNITED STATES GOVJ^MENT Memorandum * - to : Director, FBI TO : Director, FBI (File ) DATE; ^ /C from^ : (File /^/-<^2S>^ ) SUBJECT! v | O [JAJ 0 0S ^ I i ( fl A e. - /V This case -will be delinquent. Date of Bureau deadline: *A“ Reason for the S \^_ I ^ Date the report or necessary communication will reach the Bureau: -s / „ -2//Z AEC zone designation; e.g,, OR, CH, etc.:. . , (This applies only to 116 cases'.'.)” 1 \ ' *■ , ,, 4#^ ALb INFORMATION CONTAINED herein is unclassified In Reply, Please Refer to File No. UNITED ATES DEPARTMENT OF FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Chicago, Illinois October 11 , 1962 ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 06-05-2008 BY 60322 UC LP/PLJ/LCU JOHN GIBBS ST* CLAIR DRAKE PEACE CORPS - APPLICANT ) b The October 6, 1962, Red Streak Edition of the "Chicago Daily News," Chicago, Illinois, on page 12, in the Letters to the Editor Section, there appeared the following letter from St. Clair Drake: "I am a Negro American 1 refugee* from the South who has been living in Chicago for 20 years, ’exiled* for protesting against Jim Crow. **I have just come back from Ghana in West Africa, where I've. been helping a group of Peace Corps teachers to ’settle in. * I have spent over three years since 1953 in various parts of Africa doing research and teaching. As far as Africa is concerned, I can assure you that certain fears expressed in your editorial of Oct. 2, 1962, 'Bloodshed at Oxford, ' are quite unwarranted. "The editorial conjured up visions of 'millions of non-whites around the world' getting an unfavorable image of America by listening to Moscow and Peiping's reports of events in Oxford, Miss. "In the first place, African newspapers get their news about America from Reuters, the French Press Agency, the USIA, and their own news services — not Tass. Local newscasts are compiled from a variety of sources. Short-wave listeners are very eclectic, usually comparing B.B.C. , Voice of America, Radio Brazzaville (French Overseas Service), Radio. Cairo, Moscow and Peiping, after which they make up their own minds. "In the second place, there is no way in which Moscow and Peiping could so slant the news as to make Africans miss the only point that really impresses them, namely, that one group of white men are willing to use armed force to make another group of white men treat black men right. For this. /C c - / ' / c £ - A JOHN GIBBS ST. CLAIR DRAKE "cheers are rising for Kennedy and the U.S. from the Medi- terranean to the Cape of Good Hope and from the Indian Ocean to the Gulf of Guinea "And I am sure that many Africans see this as a favorable omen of the day when UN forces will close in on Mississippi’s counterpart, South Africa. (Why, even Castro is praising Kennedy for Operation Oxford!). And I’m sure that what they like best of all are those* Negro GIs who were included in the ’liberation army.* "What you should worry about is the danger that Africa and. the non-white world will actually find out the truth about Mississippi. Suppose they really knew that 43 per cent of the inhabitants of Mississippi are Negro, but that there is not one black congressman or senator, not one member of the State Legislature, and except in a couple of all-Negro towns, not a city councilman in the state? "Suppose they knew about the Negroes who are beaten, terrorized, and run out of the state when they try to register to vote? ’Why don’t the marshals and the soldiers stay there to finish the job?* they would ask. "Oxford is only a symptom— a bursting boil on a diseased body. Mississippi white people do not know how lucky they are. "They cry havoc at the presence of disciplined federal forces. Do they ever stop to think of what could have happened — and still could happen— of their homes which could have been burned down by enraged Negroes under cover of darkness during a hundred years of oppression; of snipers who could have fired into lynching mobs; of bombs that could have blown Confederate generals from their pedestals in courthouse squares; of Mississippi Mau Maus in cotton counties where Negroes outnumber whites 8 to 1? "But what has actually happened? Thousands of their most capable citizens have caught the train for Chicago. (40 per cent of all the Negro migrants to Chicago between 1950 and 1960 came from Mississippi) . * * JOHN GIBBS ST. CLAIR DRAKE ”The ones who stayed still cook their food (with- out poisoning them) ; get cheated at cotton-picking time (without shooting them) , and stay away from the polls (with- out starting an ’underground’ rebellion). ’’Why do they not thank God for mild-mannered Merediths and polite, hymn-singing and praying ’Freedom Riders?’ It could have been a lot worse! ’’The crux of Mississippi’s problem is political. The Barnetts and their kind know that if the democratic tools are given to the Negroes they will ’finish the job.* Not by force and violence, but by filling the legislative halls with intelligent Negro schoolteachers, businessmen, lawyers, preachers, and artisans, who will seek equality and justice now denied almost half the residents of the state. ’’For the last 87 years, without violence or vin- dictiveness, Mississippi Negroes have waited patiently for the nation to turn to the unfinished business of democracy in their state. Why don’t we enfranchise the Negroes of Mississippi now — on the centennial of the Emancipation Proclamat ion? ”ST. CLAIR DRAKE ’.’Chicago ’’Editor’s Note: Drake is a professor of sociology at Roosevelt University and co-author of ’Black Metropolis.’” This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not distributed outside your agency. 3 - V TO DIRECTOR, FBI (161-1681) SAC, CHICAGO (161-521) ' & JOHN GIBBS ST, CLAIR DRAKE PEACE CORPS - APPLICANT ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 06-0^008 BY 60322 UC LF/PLJ/LCU date: 10/11/62 Rerep of SA at Chicago. dated February 2, 1962, Enclosed are five copies of a letterhead memorandum concerning the above individual. * < UNjJIED STATES GO\^NMENT . Memorandum. DIRECTOR, FBI SAC, CHICAGO (97-349) _(P) JOHN GIBBS ST. CLAIR <: D^AKE REGISTRATION ACT - GHANA EXEMPTED FROM AUTOMATIC DEC LAS SI F X CAT ION AUTHORITY DERIVED FROM: FBI ^fcllATIC DECLASSIFICATION GUIDE EXIT^HdN CODE 25X<1, 6) DATE 05-18-2000 CLASSIFICATION PER OGA LETTER DATED 06-10-2008 date: 12/23/63 "CLASSIFIED BY mlaeltflfr-M/.. DECLASSIFY " dum, dated 12/17/63, entitled, "FOREIGN POLITICAL MATTERS - GHANA". The subject was investigated as an applicant in 1962, -vc case entitled "JOHN GIBBS ST. CLAIR DRAKE, St. Clair Drake; PEACE CORPS - APPLICANT", (Bureau File 161-1681). Investigation 'n of DRAKE revealed that he was affiliated with several subversive O organizations, signed an advertisement sponsored by the National ' H Committee to Defeat the Mundt Bill, endorsed the Peoples Conference *Z\ called by the Communist Party (CP) and was a sponsor of the Afro- American Heritage Association. DRAKE at the time of the ^ y investigation was a professor of sociology at Roosevelt l I* , I \ University, Chicago. / 1 From 1958 to 1961 DRAKE was in Ghana where he served E \ an instructor in the Department of Sociology at the (J University College of Ghana. In ,a-letter to the editor of the Chicago Daily News of SgS October 6, l962| the subject stated, "I am a Negro American jijS’S ’refugee from the South who has been living in Chicago for 20' pESSjje exiled for protesting against Jim Crow. I've just come back from Ghana in West Africa where I’ve been helping a group of Peace Corps teachers to 'settle in’. _jocj£; I've spent over three years since 1953 in various parts of ***** Africa doing research and teaching..." The Bureau by letter February 16, 1962, '"Under the caption 0 j c A "JOHN GIBBS ST. CLAIR DRAKE, Chicago, Illinois, person ’not to be * contacted"’ instructed that no further contact should be had with DRAKE in view of the critical letter b ie sent to the Chicago Office )hcl/V in January, 1962, protesting the Mvefetigation of him as a Peace ns ■ (1 - 105-13037) OTAIICT - RHN : bis Hk > dffel ¥ «. CG 97-349 Referenced Chicago lettei President | to the effect thal lana on television letters .to newspapers defending NKtlUMAH. is. def ended Kritteu and I also stated that in DRAKE was offered the position©! Director of the Nkr agriBr Ideolog ical ^Training Institute hut declined because of Tjobjeclfeion to their moving to Ghana. As recently as -Wtliy 25b , 1963 ,^DRAKB wrote a letter to the National Times blidri^llgilig^^enator DODD’s comments in the Senate in which DODD attacked NKRUMAH as pro-conjmunist . I land I I also advised that a Ghanaian ^ an article appearing in the M ovember^ issue of the "Ghan a student", a publication of , the (ihana Students * Association of America /(GSAA) , which is anti-NKRUMA H. in wh ich he criticized NKRUMAH afcd 4; he Ghanaian Government. I I allegedly stated that he had learne d that D RAKE sent this article to NKRUMAH in Ghana and as a result \~ | has been ostracised by other Ghanaians in Washington and faces the possible loss of his scholarship." • . - • - ' * din November 6 . 1963^1 I and| | advised that they had hfr afl reT I TS B' mg^^hanaiansstudents and Western press accounts that DRAKE .'had defended the policies of the NKRUMAH Government in its dsnlings -with the United States Peace Corps in Ghana. They stated that several correspondents in Ghana hid reported that the Ghabai an Secret Police had from time to time placed Peace Corps representatives under surveillance and had in general made the work of the Peace Corps difficult. - Also NKRUMAH reportedly had issued an order that the Ghanaian news- papers not give the Peace Corps any mention nor credit for its activities in Ghana. According tol | and | [ although DRAKE was a representative of the Peace Corps he sided with NKRUMAH and refused to a'Hmit the indignities forced upon the Peace Corps in Ghana.-! Allegedly DRAKE wrote to the NeWiMork Times or Time Magazine in defense of NKRUMAH. In Chicago airtel and letterhead memorandum of December 17, 196,3 , entit led ’’FOREIGN POLITICAL HATTERS - GHANA”, Chicago set forth information from| to the affect that the GSAA had contacts within the Ghanaian Embassy and United Nations Mission in New York City. The Ghanaian officials to which I 1 referred apparently are secretly anti-NKRUMAH and have furnishe d information to the GSAA. }J On December 13, 1963, | ^ [identified DARKWA as the main GSAA member in Washington , D . C . 'SE6R8L